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People With Blepharitis More Likely to Have Certain Inflammatory Diseases, Psychological Issues, Cardiovascular Diseases and More

According to recent research, several eye and systemic problems are more common among people with chronic blepharitis, but the reasons aren’t always clear.

Researchers in Israel found

Ashkenazi Jews, more impoverished people, and people who lived in urban centers were more likely to develop blepharitis than the rest of the population.

Also associated  was the presence of certain inflammatory diseases such as :

  • Gastritis
  • Asthma
  • Psychological problems (such as anxiety and depression)
  • Hypothyroidism, 
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Certain eye conditions (chalazion and pterygium).

Most associated complications of blepharitis are chalazia, rosacea, pterygia, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, and gastritis.


Blepharitis is an eye condition that affects the eyelids. It can produce clumping and stickiness around the eyelashes. Inflammation around the base of the eyelashes causes crusty. There is a range of treatments that can reduce symptoms, including home remedies.

It can affect anyone of any age. Classification is either acute or chronic. Chronic adult is the most common form. For most purposes, it is a chronic form of eyelid inflammation.


Here are some critical points. 

  • An inflammatory condition affecting the area around the base of the eyelashes.
  • The underlying causes are not well understood.
  • Blepharitis is poor eyelid hygiene.
  • The most apparent signs are redness and stickiness of the eyelid, clumping of scaly skin around the base of the eyelashes.
  • Treatment aims to relieve symptoms but cannot cure the condition.


The root cause is chronic dry eyes. To stop it, we highly recommend treating blepharitis, meibomian gland dysfunction, and dry eyes simultaneously. Treatment typically includes medical and home treatment.

A doctor will recommend home treatment, as described below, but they can also carry out the following treatments:

Electrochemical lid margin debridement (BlephEx): This removes any mites, bacteria, and the biofilm that they create from the eyelids. It also opens any clogged Meibomian glands.

Thermal pulsation treatment (Lipiflow): This melts any material that is obstructing the Meibomian glands.

Intense pulse light therapy (IPL): This opens clogged eyelid glands.

Sometimes, severe cases of blepharitis may require antibiotics, either topical or oral.



There are two types, anterior or posterior.

Anterior: This affects the front edge of the eyelid, where the eyelashes join it.

Posterior: This affects the inner edge of the eyelid, where it meets the eyeball.

The main symptoms are:

  • itchy eyelids.
  • Red eyes.
  • Irritated and watery eyes.
  • Flaking and crusting at the base of the eyelashes, similar to dandruff.
  • Burning or stinging eyes.
  • Oversensitivity to light (photophobia).
  • Gritty feeling in eyes and the sensation of having something in the eye.

Symptoms are often more pronounced in the mornings.

It is not a sight-threatening problem, but it can decrease vision, which can come and go.

The symptoms tend to come and go- with periods of remission (a pause in symptoms) followed by exacerbations (a flare-up). It usually affects both eyes equally.

Other conditions often associated, such as ocular rosaceapsoriasis, and seborrheic dermatitis.


There are many possible causes

They include:

  • an inflammatory reaction to bacteria that usually live on eyelids
  • seborrhoeic dermatitis or rosacea
  • parasites: Demodex eyelash mites
  • infection with the herpes simplex virus (HSV)

People who have dandruff are more likely to develop blepharitis. Keeping dandruff under control can help reduce the symptoms.

Another possible cause is dysfunction of the Meibomian glands on the rim of the eyelids. These glands produce an oily substance that prevents the eye’s film of tears from evaporating.

Some doctors believe that blepharitis is a precursor of Meibomian gland dysfunction rather than the gland dysfunction causing blepharitis.

Home remedies

Eyelid hygiene is vital for treating both types. Lid hygiene must continue even when symptoms have improved.

Self-care is the most crucial element of treatment. Self-care will ensure symptoms of blepharitis do not come back. 

There is no cure, but treatment can successfully manage symptoms.

In addition to home treatment, people with eyelid inflammation should avoid using cosmetics such as eyeliner, mascara, and other makeup around the eyes.

Management involves:

  • Treating dry eyes with TheraLife Eye capsules
  • Hot compresses to loosen crusts
  • lid cleansing to remove dirt.
  • massage, to express the tiny oil glands of the eyelids

How to use a warm compress

Using a warm compress means placing a gel type of compressor microbead heated with microwave oven for 20-30 seconds. Place the compress over closed eyelids for 10-15 minutes, gently massage the eyelid followed by eyelid cleanser. ,

After applying a hot compress for up to 10 minutes, cleanse the eyelids.

Eyelid cleansers We highly recommend Avenova. It is gentle and yet effective. Do not wash off after cleansing. Allow Avenova to block bacterial attachment onto your eyelids.  

How to cleanse the eyelids

To do this:

  1. Close your eyes and spray Avenova on the outside of your eyelids.
  2. Use a cotton makeup remover, wipe across, and then up and down.
  3. Do not wash off.

This lid hygiene needs to be maintained as a self-care regime twice a day every day. Cleaning the eyelid is a lifelong commitment, but the symptoms will come back without it.

How to massage the eyelids

After using the warm compress to loosen the sebum, massaging helps express the oily contents of the glands.

With a finger or a cotton-tipped applicator or swab, massage the margin of the eyelid, where the eyelashes and glands are, using small circular motions.

Antibiotic Drops.

Antibiotic drops treat eyelids infected with bacteria. 

We recommend you use TheraLife Eye capsules to relieve dry eyes and stop blepharitis recurrence.  


Doctors will ask about symptoms, take a medical history, and examine the patient’s eyelids and eyes.

Slit-lamp examination

The doctor will look for signs that help them determine the specific type of blepharitis. They may use a slit lamp.

Slit-lamp is a specially developed, low-power microscope with an intense thin-beam light source.

The lamp allows the doctor to look outside the eyes and the eyelids. At the same time, the patient’s head is held steady by resting the chin and forehead against supports.

The doctor will then recommend treatment. Treatments depend on the cause. If blepharitis appears to be caused by a skin condition, such as rosacea, or if it results from mites, will choose a suitable solution.

How Theralife Can Help

TheraLife Eye capsules restore normal functions to tear production glands. You relieve dry eyes and treat blepharitis with your normal balanced tears. 

TheraLife Eye capsules treat from within orally. TheraLife succeeds when drops fail.  


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