Sjogren’s, Autoimmune and Dry Eye Disease Sometimes dry eyes are just dry eyes. Other times, they are a red flag for other, more severe diseases. There is a proven link between dry eye disease (DED) and autoimmune disease (AD). Therefore, knowing a...
Does your dry eyes cause migraine headaches? If you have noticed that dry eyes accompany a migraine headache, you may not be alone. Symptoms of Dry Eyes Dry eyes can accompany an array of different symptoms, such as: Stinging Burning A feeling of sand in the eye...
How do you handle swollen eyes? Whether caused by an eye infection, eye injury, or allergies, swollen eyes can be ugly and painful. So, what is the best treatment for dry, swollen eyes? The cause of the swollen eyes must be determined in order to find the best course...
The Solution to Dry Eyes and Allergy Eyes: TheraLife TheraLife Eye capsules are all-natural and address the symptoms of both dry eyes and allergy eyes. Made with an all-natural botanical product that is free from the side effect of anti-histamines or prescription...
The TheraLife Solution to Watery Eyes As a leader in chronic dry eye treatment, TheraLife allows the body to produce tears naturally by promoting the production of the body’s own balanced healing tears. Eye drops will make watery eyes worse. Washing away all the...
Why Red Irritated Eyes? Almost everyone has dealt with red irritated eyes. Caused by a wide variety of reasons, red eyes can happen at any time. There are many reasons that red, irritated eyes occur: Eye Conditions Air Quality Surgery and Medicines Lifestyle and...