What is dry eye? Dry eye happens when your eyes don’t make enough tears to stay wet, or when your tears don’t work correctly. This can make your eyes feel uncomfortable, and in some cases it can also cause vision problems. Dry eyes are an recurring...
Treatment of dry eyes includes prescription eye drops or anti-inflammatory properties of different medications. Nevertheless, many of us turn to alternatives such as fish oil to help us. Various treatments ease symptoms, including over-the-counter artificial tear eye...
Schirmer test is a tear production testing; tears test; dry eye test; basal secretion test. Your eye doctor will use this Schirmer test determines whether the eye produces enough tears to keep it moist. The test works by the principle of capillary action, which allows...
Does the irritation in my eyes cause it? Learn about the most effective treatments for eye infections. The human eye is the second largest organ. This itch and pain can be distracting to your everyday routine. Eye problems may result from an allergic reaction or...
If you have arthritis, you are already familiar with this chronic disease that causes swelling and pain in parts of the body. Everyone who has arthritis is susceptible to dry eyes. Dry eyes can also become very painful and inflammatory for those people who suffer from...