Eye irritation is a common medical condition, and the NHS offers a number of different treatments for eye problems. Blepharitis is a type of inflammation that occurs when the membrane covering the white of the eye becomes inflamed due to an allergic reaction. The...
Optic atrophy (or progressive loss of retinal ganglion cells, or RGCs) is a progressive loss. These cells transmit part of the visual data to the brain. The degeneration of these ganglion cells leads to further vision loss. Patients with this appear pale and their...
High blood pressure in the eyes is a common health issue affecting 4-6 million people in the United States. The condition can cause damage or loss of vision and optic nerves in the eyes. It affects approximately 4%-10% of the elderly. Ocular hypertension can be...
Nearsightedness, also called presbyopia or nearsightedness, is a common condition that affects roughly one-third American citizens. Nearsighted people have naturally wide-focused eyes. This allows them to see clearly close-up but blurred vision in the distance. Even...
Although there are many vitamins that can be used to treat dry eyes, only a handful of them are worth taking every single day. A multivitamin might not be the best choice, but a high quality supplement is the best. Omega-3 supplements contain the right mix of...
When a punctal plug is inserted, it will rehydrate the tear film and restore tear production. This procedure can cause irritation and pain and may need to be repeated. Side effects include a scratchy, irritating feeling in the corner or excessive tears. The punctal...