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10 Causes of Eye Weeping: Powerful Treatment From TheraLife

10 Causes of Eye Weeping: Powerful Treatment From TheraLife

Stop Your watery eyes( eye weeping) With TheraLife Now Treat dry eyes to stop tear over production -eye weeping. A major cause of weeping eye is chronic dry eyes – due to dry eyes left untreated for a long time.  Your body starts to help you provide moisture by...
Can blurred vision caused by dry eyes?

Can blurred vision caused by dry eyes?

Tears keep our eyes lubricated all day. Tears contain moisture, oil, mucous, and immune substances that provide moisture, lubricating, and sometimes antibiotic properties. The dry eye condition results in redness, itchiness, sensitivity to sunlight, blurred vision,...
Eye Irritation: When to see a doctor?

Eye Irritation: When to see a doctor?

Does the irritation in my eyes cause it? Learn about the most effective treatments for eye infections. The human eye is the second largest organ. This itch and pain can be distracting to your everyday routine. Eye problems may result from an allergic reaction or...

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