Iritis Treatment Naturally

- Powerful Iritis Relief From Inside Out
- Strong Anti-inflammatories Directly To your Eyes
- Restore & Revive Your Own Tear Functions
“I must say I see a tremendous improvement after one month; the inflammation is down. My dry eye and Iritis symptoms are also gone. So glad I found TheraLife.”
–Gini- North Carolina, USA
*Results may vary
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Iritis Home Treatment Naturally
What is Iritis?
Iritis is the inflammation of the color part of your eye. It is also called “Anterior Uveitis.”
What are the symptoms of Iritis?
Symptoms of Iritis can happen all of a sudden and develop rapidly over a few hours or days.
What is acute Iritis
Acute Iritis causes eye pain, blurred vision, headache, light sensitivity, red eyes, and vision loss. Steroid eye drops are great for immediate intervention. With quick intervention, the outcome expected to be good.
Conventional treatment for Iritis-steroid drops
The conventional treatment for Iritis from your eye doctor will include steroid drops to control inflammation for Iritis (anterior uveitis). But Steroids cause an increase in eye pressure (Glaucoma). For some, steroids are not an option. Iritis left untreated can cause permanent vision loss.
TheraLife’s Natural Treatments for Iritis
TheraLife Eye is a powerful natural alternative to steroids to fight Iritis -eye inflammation. Taking Theralife Eye capsules can help you prevent Iritis recurrence without the use of steroid eye drops.
The TheraLife Discount Bundle
TheraLife Eye Enhanced (One Month) Bundle, which includes 4 bottles of TheraLife Eye Enhanced and 1 bottle of Omega-3 Fish Oil. The one month bundle typically retails for $150, but you can get it on sale now for the discount price of $140.
Why is Acute Iritis Treatment Immediately Important?
Sudden onset of Iritis with eye pain, blurred vision, light sensitivity can be very frightening. Go to your eye doctor and get Iritis treatment right away. Untreated Iritis could lead to vision loss and even blindness. Immediate treatment for Iritis often has excellent outcomes. So don’t delay. In general, Iritis is not contagious
Iritis and Dry Eyes
Inflammation of the eye, such as from Dry Eyes and Blepharitis, can cause Iritis. It is common for people who recover from Iritis to have dry eyes. They start complaining about blurred vision, foreign body sensation, light sensitivity, and yet Iritis is no longer an issue.
Autoimmune diseases can cause Iritis
Other pre-existing conditions such as infections, autoimmune diseases can also cause Iritis. Find out if you have any of the risk factors for chronic dry eyes, click here.
Challenges with Conventional Iritis Treatment
The first line of defense for Iritis is steroid eye drops to reduce eye inflammation; and or dilating eye drops, which can reduce the pain of the iris. Unfortunately, steroid drops can cause high intraocular pressure (IOP), resulting in Glaucoma, which can cause blindness.
Why TheraLife For Iritis?
TheraLife Eye capsule is an all-natural formula that reduce inflammation and delivers to the eye without the steroid side effects. TheraLife has treatment options for both Iritis, Dry Eyes, and Autoimmune Diseases. TheraLife Eye capsules are clinically proven to relieve dry eyes from inside out, without eye drops. Clinical results show TheraLife Eye to be effective and safe when eye drops don’t work. . To learn more, click here. TheraLife has a patented formula for Autoimmune dry eyes, in case the cause of your Iritis is autoimmune related. Learn more
Do Acute Iritis Recur and Come Back?
Once you have Iritis, it will come back at a later time. Iritis recurrence is particularly true if you have underlying inflammatory diseases. Some people get it only once, especially if they take precautions to prevent it from recurring.
What Causes Iritis?
- Trauma – In most cases, stress or trauma causes Iritis. Examples are burns, punctures, or strikes with a blunt object. This is called traumatic iritis.
- Chronic Dry Eyes, Blepharitis – inflammation of the eyes.
- Autoimmune Diseases. People who are susceptible to Acute Iritis are those with autoimmune diseases. Examples are Ankylosing spondylitis ( a type of arthritis), Reactive Arthritis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Bechet’s Disease, and Psoriatic Arthritis are known to cause Iritis. Gene alteration in autoimmune diseases makes white blood cells attack one’s tissues, causing Iritis.
- Inflammatory Infections can causes Iritis.Iritis can be related to diseases or infections, such as arthritis, tuberculosis, syphilis, tonsils, sinus, kidney, gallbladder, and teeth.
What are the Symptoms of Iritis?
These symptoms can affect either one eye or both eyes. Common complaints are:
- Eye pain
- VisionLoss
- Red-eye
- Lightsensitivity
- Headache
- Reducedvision,
- Misshapedpupils
Diagnosis of Iritis
Your eye doctor can look into a slit lamp microscope and assess for the possible cause of Iritis. And if you have an infection. Your eye doctor may also order additional tests to rule out other possibilities.
- Tests for autoimmune diseases
- Tests for infections, either viral or bacterial.
- Chest X-Ray or CT scans of the chest to rule out tuberculosis, sarcoidosis.
When to Start Iritis Treatment
It depends on how severe the Iritis is. Treatment starts as soon as possible to prevent the condition from getting any worse. The symptom progression can be very rapid. Typical approaches include:
- Antibiotics to treat bacterial eye infection
- Anti-viral medications to treat viral infections. E.g., Herpes
- Steroid eye drops, or oral steroids to reduce inflammation
- Eye drops to dilate your pupils to minimize pain and prevent complications.
- Autoimmune diseases, immune-suppressive medications may be used.
These treatments can be delivered in the form of eye drops, orally, or through an IV (intravenous). Or as a shot around or into your eye.
Complications of Iritis
Most often, Immediate treatment of Iritis does not cause other complications. However, possibilities do exist for:
- Glaucoma – caused by steroid use.
- Cataract – Caused by steroid use
- Inflammation of the vitreous fluid inside your eyeball
- Inflammation of the retina
- Optic nerve damage – in severe cases causing blindness
- Macular Edema – swelling of the central part of the retina.
- Calcium deposits on your cornea, causing damage.
Can Iritis be prevented?
Treat your dry eyes, autoimmune diseases to decrease your chances of getting Iritis. TheraLife has multiple treatment options for you. Chronic dry eye, Blepharitis, and MGD – Relieve symptoms and get rid of Blepharitis, recovery from MGD. All-natural treatments from inside out. Chronic Dry Eye Starter KitAutoimmuneDry Eye Control – TheraLife Eye Autoimmune formula designed explicitly to relieve dry eyes, reduce inflammation, and autoimmune flares. To learn more – click here
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