
Theralife Eye-4 EEA

4 bottles of Theralife Eye Enhanced (60 capsules/bottle)
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    TheraLife Eye- 4 Bottles$120.00

    "TheraLife Eye for Chronic Dry Eyes"- for those who has their own supply of purified omega 3 fish oil. One month supply for first time users.

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    TheraLife Omega-3 Fish Oil$35.00$35.00

    TheraLife Omega-3 Fish Oils is 100% Pure, molecularly distilled to provide the highest levels of quality, purity and potency. Use with TheraLife Eye Enhanced to help fight symptoms of dry eye.

    Every order comes with 1 bottles; 100 softgels. 1000mg/gel cap.

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    Eye Lid Cleanser$35.00

    Eye Lid Cleanser Powerful control for Blepharitis, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, and Demodex. Gentle, refreshing and soothing for everyday eye lid and eye lash cleansing. Effective against a wide range of microorganisms. Contains: hypoclorous acide (HOCL). No buffers, preservatives,or surfactants.

    Every bottle contains 40ml. Use daily for optimum results

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    Hot Compress$29.80
    Hot Compress for Chronic Dry Eye - Blepharitis/Meibomian Gland Dysfunction Relief. Use it also for night time dry eyes to keep your eye lids closed during sleep. Made of Elastogel for lasting heat retention and easy cleaning. To be used in addition to TheraLife Eye or TheraLife Eye Autoimmune capsules.
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    Dry Eye Bundle 4 EEA + 1 FO$140.00

    Restore and Revive with TheraLife Eye Enhanced and TheraLife Omega-3 Fish Oil to provide the ultimate approach for dry eye relief from inside out. 

    This bundle contains 4 bottles of TheraLife Eye Enhanced ( 60 capsules/bottle) with 1 bottle of TheraLife omega-3 Fish Oil (100 gel caps/bottle.

    Retail $135. You get discount price $124.95. You save $10
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    TheraLife Eye -12 bottles$330.00

    "TheraLife Eye for Chronic Dry Eyes"- 3 months supply for users who has their own supply of purified omega 3 fish oil.  Total 12 bottles of TheraLife Eye Enhanced (60 capsules per bottle). You save $30.

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    TheraLife Dry Eye Bundle 12 EEA + 3 FO$410.00

    This bundle contains 12 bottles of TheraLife Eye Enhanced(60 capsules/bottle) +3 bottles of TheraLife omega-3 Fish Oil (120 gel caps/bottle) . You Save $39.60 !